Release Tickets Endpoint
The release ticket endpoint is used to release broker tickets that have already been held using the hold tickets endpoint.
If the customer decides to not proceed with the purchase and removes the tickets from their cart. It is required that the reseller notifies Tixstock, to allow the tickets to be released.
If tickets are not released or the sale doesn't proceed within 30 minutes of the listing being held, the listing will automatically be released.
Endpoint URL
Authorisation | Description |
Bearer Token | A valid bearer token must be provided within the header parameters for the API request. To generate an access token, please see your API settings from within the Tixstock Reseller Admin Area. |
Please see 'Authentication - Bearer Tokens' for further information
Request Data
The reseller must provide Tixstock’s on hold ID (provided in the JSON response when listing is held through the hold ticket endpoint) and a valid release quantity. Please note, the release quantity can be less than the original on hold quantity, to facilitate the ability for a customer to reduce the ticket quantity. If the customer deletes the listing from there basket the full quantity should be supplied.
The supplied data must adhere to the following ruleset:
Parameters | Description |
hold_id* | Tixstock on hold id provided when the listing was placed on hold. |
release_quantity* | The quantity of tickets to be released. Must adhere to the listings split type and quantity. Type: Integer Min: 1 |
API Response:
"data": {
"quantity_available": 1
"meta": {
"type": "ticket.release",
"mode": "Production",
"hold_id": "01e32ems8ask9y28kk2a6g6yqs",
"quantity": 1,
"request_id": "01e32g08hgn4tphqw4gc280r1b"
"message": "Ticket(s) successfully released."