Get Performers Endpoint
This endpoint will allow resellers to retrieve perfromer information from within the Tixstock system.
The endpoint will also return whether the perfromer is already mapped with the resellers performer from a previous request on the events endpoint.
Endpoint URL
Authorisation | Description |
Bearer Token | A valid bearer token must be provided within the header parameters for the API request. To generate an access token, please see your API settings from within the Tixstock Reseller Admin Area. |
Please see 'Authentication - Bearer Tokens' for further information
Request Data
The supplied data must adhere to the following ruleset and passed as query parameters:
Query Parameters | Description |
id | The resellers ID for the performer. Type: String |
name | The name of the perfromer. Type: String |
mapped_status | True/False Will return performers based on whether the reseller already has mapped with a Tixstock perfromer. Type: Boolean |
sort_order | asc / desc Type: String |
order_by | Accepted Values: * id * name |
per_page | Max: 50 Type: Integer |
page | Type: Integer |
API Response:
"data": [
"name":"Liverpool FC",
"Liverpool Football Club"
"name":"Liverpool v Watford",
"map_url": "",
"name":"Longside Upper Tier",
"name":"Longside Upper Tier"
"name":"Watford v Liverpool FC",
"name":"Longside Upper Tier",
"name":"Longside Upper Tier"
"meta": {
"mode": "Production",
"type": "performers.get",
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"path": "",
"per_page": 10,
"to": 1,
"request_id": "01eg13cw13473tagfvrxscpmbd"
"links": {
"self": "link-value",
"first": "",
"last": null,
"prev": null,
"next": null