Endpoints Overview

Tixstock implements major versioning strategy for more information on versioning please click here.

Please see the below list of available API endpoints to allow resellers to integrate your application into the Tixstock system.

Tixstock Endpoints

Endpoint Description
Get Events This endpoint will allow resellers to get event data from the Tixstock system.
Add Event This endpoint will allow resellers to add their events to Tixstock.
Update Event This endpoint will allow resellers to update their event information for a previously added event. This endpoint should also be used if resellers need to cancel the event.
Get Tickets Allows resellers to retrieve ticket information for their exchange. Returns all the tickets sold matching the given search parameters. Results will be paginated.
Add Ticket Allows resellers to add tickets to the Tixstock system.
Update Ticket Allows resellers to update their listing and ticket information.
Delete Ticket Allows resellers to delete their ticket from Tixstock.
Hold Ticket The hold ticket endpoint should be used when a ticket has been added to the basket of the resellers website. When a ticket is marked as "On Hold" the ticket quantity will be updated accordingly on Tixstock. A ticket will automatically be releases after agreed time period
Release Ticket This endpoint should be used when a ticket has been removed from a customer's basket on the resellers website
Get Orders This endpoint allows resellers to retrieve all their orders.
Add Order This endpoint allows resellers to notify Tixstock of any new orders for any sold tickets.
Update Order This endpoint will allow resellers to update their order details.
Broker Account Closed This endpoint will allow resellers to close a broker account on Tixstock.
Get Venues This endpoint allow resellers to retrieve venue information from within the Tixstock system.