Error codes
Tixstock uses the following custom error codes for key validation.
Please note, error codes 401 upwards correspond with HTTP status code.
Error Code | Description |
102 | The request has been rejected as we cannot detect your IP address. |
103 | Invalid IP address. |
104 | Failed to delete resource please try again. |
105 | Failed to save resource please try again. |
106 | Invalid quantity you must enter a whole number with a minimum value of 1. |
107 | Sorry there was an error reducing the ticket quantity please try again. |
108 | The on hold quantity cannot be greater then the listing quantity. |
109 | Invalid quantity you cannot release more tickets than the on hold amount. |
110 | Invalid request please add a authorization to your header. |
111 | Invalid authorization. |
112 | Sorry, we are unable to update your event. The event data provided no longer maps to the existing mapped event. |
401 | Invalid Bearer Token. |
403 | Sorry, the request is forbidden. |
404 | Invalid endpoint please consult the documentation for available endpoints. |
405 | Method not allowed. |
429 | Too many request made, subsequent requests will be blocked for the next minute. |
500 | Sorry there was an internal error please try again. |
503 | Tixstock Internal API is currently in maintenance mode. |
Example Errors object API Response
"data": [],
"meta": {
"mode": "Sandbox",
"auth_token": "dGl4c3RvY2s6c2RoaXNkbmpvOTBr",
"ip": ""
"errors": {
"title": "Sorry the user cannot be found for this request",
"code": "400"
Data Validation Errors
For basic validation errors Tixstock returns all the errors in flat array Errors area please see the following example.
"data": [],
"meta": {
"mode": "Sandbox",
"auth_token": "dGl4c3RvY2s6c2RoaXNkbmpvOTBr",
"ip": ""
"errors": [
"The username field is required.",
"The password field is required."
Status codes
Where possible Tixstock will attempt return the correct status code based on the context of the request.
Please see below for top-level explanation of the usage of each status code.
Status Code | Description |
200 | Status code 200 is the default status code, you will receive this code if the request is considered ok. Please note, basic data validation errors are returned from the API data with this status code. |
401 | The reseller has provided an invalid Bearer Token or request is coming from a IP address which hasn't been added to the whitelist. |
403 | The request is Forbidden due to being a "bad" request or insecure. |
404 | The URL being access is an invalid endpoint or resource cannot be found. |
405 | Each endpoint allows only one method, if a incorrect verb is used a 405 status code will be required. |
429 | Too many request have been made all subsequent requests for that IP address will be blocked for one minute. |
500 | A internal error has happen in with executing the request. |
503 | Tixstock Internal API has been put into maintenance mode. |