Update Ticket Endpoint

An existing Tixstock broker updates a listing on a broker website, or the broker wishes to upload the Broker’s inventory to Tixstock. The Update Ticket Endpoint should be used to update the listings on Tixstock.

Endpoint URL



Authorisation Description
Basic Auth A valid Basic auth must be provided within the Authorizarion as a username and password for the API request. To generate an access token, please see your API settings from within the Tixstock Broker Admin Area.

Please see 'Authentication - Basic Auth' for further information

Request Data

The supplied data must adhere to the following ruleset:

The List ID and Team ID must be supplied. Otherwise, an error will be outputted

Parameter Description
team_id * A valid Team ID must be supplied
Type: Integer
section_location The Section Location for the listing
Type: String
post_data *
list_id * A valid List ID must be supplied.
Type: String
event_reference_id The Event Reference ID for the listing.
Type: String
status The Event Reference ID for the listing.
Type: String
_url The URL for the listing.
Type: String
redirect The Redirect for the listing.
Type: String
event_id The Event ID for the listing.
Type: String
event_name The Event Name for the listing.
Type: String
event_venue_id The Event Venue ID for the listing.
Type: String
event_venue The Event Venue for the listing.
Type: String
event_date The Event Date for the listing.
Type: String
ticket_type Paper, eTicket, Mobile, Members / Season Card
Type: String
upload_later Required: Yes, if the ticket type is eTicket or Mobile.
Type: Boolean
ticket_number The Ticket Number for the listing.
Type: String
other_num The Other Num for the listing.
Type: String
quantity_display The display quantity for the listing. Must equal or be less than the quantity and greater than 0.
Type: Integer
quantity_available The number of available tickets for sale.
Type: String
ticket_split The Ticket Split for the listing.
Type: String
split_quantity Must be set to 0 if split type is either: No Preferences, All Together, Avoid Leaving One Ticket If split type is set to ‘Sell In Multiples’, the split quantity must equal or be less than the Quantity and greater than 0. This must be divisible by the quantity set.
Type: Integer
zone The Zone for the listing.
Type: String
zone_label The Zone Label for the listing.
Type: String
ticket_row The seating row for the listing.
Type: String
seat_first The first seat number for the listing.
Type: String
face_value_currecncy The face value currency in ISO-4217 format for the listing.
Type: String
face_value_price The Face Value Price for the listing.
Type: String
sell_price_currency The Sell Price Currency for the listing.
Type: String
price_value The Price Value for the listing.
Type: String
ready_shipped The Ready Shipped for the listing.
Type: String
hand_delivery The Hand Delivery for the listing.
Type: Boolean
minute_sales The Minute Sales for the listing.
Type: String
files_token The Files Token for the listing.
Type: String
delete_proof_of_purchase_ids The Delete Proof of Purchase IDs for the listing.
Type: String
files The Files for the listing.
Type: String
Type: Array
sell_price_currency The display price currency in ISO-4217 format for the listing.
Type: String
sell_price Type: Two place decimal
Min 0.01
Max: 999999.99

API Response:

Please note, the example shown below displays no base64 PDF file and venue details empty. This data would be returned in a real api response.

        "data": [],
        "meta": {
            "mode": "Sandbox",
            "auth_token": "dGl4c3RvY2s6c2RoaXNkbmpvOTBr",
            "ip": ""
        "message": "Job dispatched"