Get Hold Ticket Breakdown Endpoint

The Get Hold Ticket Breakdown Endpoint should be used to get tickets which are on hold from listings on Tixstock.

Endpoint URL


Authorisation Description
Basic Auth A valid Basic auth must be provided within the Authorizarion as a username and password for the API request. To generate an access token, please see your API settings from within the Tixstock Broker Admin Area.

Please see 'Authentication - Basic Auth' for further information

Request Data

The supplied data must adhere to the following ruleset:

The List ID must be supplied. Otherwise, an error will be outputted

Parameter Description
list_ids * A valid List ID must be supplied
Type: String
remove_listing_array_key_for_one_listing The Remove Listing Array Key For One Listing for the listing
Type: Boolean

API Response:

Please note, the example shown below displays no base64 PDF file and venue details empty. This data would be returned in a real api response.

        "data": [],
        "meta": {
            "mode": "Sandbox",
            "auth_token": "dGl4c3RvY2s6c2RoaXNkbmpvOTBr",
            "ip": ""