Tixstock Internal API Overview

Before you can integrate with the Tixstock API, you must have basic auth credentials, so that you will have access to the Tixstock Broker Area, which will allow you to configure your API integration with the Tixstock system.

Visit Tixstock Broker Area

Postman Integration

All of our endpoints are available as postman collection. You can gain access to the collections using the button below.

Run in Postman

Sandbox / Live Environments

It is required that broker complete their integration first in the sandbox environment and once tested and approved, reconfigured for the live environment.

You will be able to configure your API integration for both sandbox and live environments from within the Tixstock Broker Area.

Tixstock Internal API Integration

To fully complete an API integration with the Tixstock system, it is required that the broker integrate with our endpoints and webhooks outlined in this documentation for their broker website.
